Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Returning soon

Hi everyone! I hope that your students had a good first week back. As most of you know, there was a mix up w/ HR and I will be returning on Jan. 26. I am very sad to leave Logan, but know he will be taken care of well. Kristen Crow has offered to watch Logan for the remainder of the year...she is a life saver and I feel much better knowing he'll have one to one care and love from her! She'll be great, just as she has been w/ your students! Please let your kids know I'll be returning soon! They're so sweet! Logan is doing great. He's huge...his last appt he was 12 lbs 11 oz and was 24.3 in long. For only 6 weeks that is pretty big! Here we are during the Winter Break! Talk to you soon!

1 comment:

Carolyn Biddulph said...

How exciting that you'll be back soon, and it sounds like Logan will be in the best of hands.